Saturday, January 24, 2015

Pacaya Volcano Hike

What's better than one volcano hike in a week?  Dos!  Today we hiked Pacaya Volcano, a still very active volcano that rises up to over 8,000 feet.  It's last major eruption was in 2010 when ash reached as far as Guatemala City.  Now it just constantly spews sulfuric gases.
    The hike was pretty steep but not very long.  Even though we started hiking at 7:30 am, there were plenty of trail dogs to keep us company.  And the caballo (horse) 'taxis' kept following and waiting for someone to fall out.  Kids tried to sell us hiking sticks.  I commented that they should be in school but Mark pointed out it is a Saturday so hopefully its just a weekend 'job' for them.
Perros y caballos taxis
    Because we had a young group, our guide took us to the upper rim so we could get closer to the smoking volcano cone and walk down through the volcanic rocks.
Two other volcanoes across the way.  The one on the left is smoking too!
Pacaya with its puff of smoke coming from the top.
Standing on the volcanic rocks from the last big eruption.
Eventually, we reached the area were the rocks crevasses are so warm you can roast marshmallows so that's what we did!  I think it was more for a chance to say you've roasted marshmallows on a volcano but it was pretty interesting to feel the heat emanating from beneath your feet.
Just like camping in Colorado.  Or not at all.
We walked down, trying to avoid horse dung and the hoards of people coming up.  This was also my first glimpse of Guatemalan life outside of the touristy Antigua.  I'm starting to see trends in developing nations like the ubiquitous trash, babies/kids, dogs, air pollution (ok, I realize that is many places but here its evidenced by the brown-puffing buses and vans... no emissions testing here!) and obvious signs of poverty.  Over 53% of Guatemalans live in extreme poverty.  Hopefully our time here will help support those in need through our tourism dollars and some of the projects the language school is involved in.
Came back to a late lunch of 'gringos'

1 comment:

  1. Skinny (fleas, worms) dogs, hefty people, hawkers; I guess all the third world (developing nations) got the same memo. John Lewis
